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What types of Collections are available on DecentWorld?

There are 2 types of Collections available on DecentWorld: System Collections and Unique Collections.

System Collections are generated by our system automatically, and come in 4 different levels: Basic, Standard, Premium and Elite. The higher the level, the more valuable the Collection is. The size of the Collection depends on its level:
1. Basic Collection consists of 5x Basic Streets.
2. Standard Collection consists of 2x Standard Streets and 10x Basic Streets.
3. Premium Collection consists of 3x Premium Streets, 6x Standard Streets and 15x Basic Streets.
4. Elite Collection consists of 2x Elite Streets, 6x Premium Streets, 8x Standard Streets and 20x Basic Streets.

Unique Collections are exclusive, hand-picked sets of Assets. They are of limited supply and, therefore, carry the highest value. The size of a Unique Collection differs with each Collection.

Note: For information about Collections value and yield rates, please check the “Staking” section.